Reliance must be on the March 9th, 1933 act

and its amendment to the Federal Reserve Act , section IV, SubSection 18 Paragraph 6 in particular it Securities/Security and Obligations Provisions...

1. Quality content
It is difficult under the circumstances to discuss this bill. 
The first section of the bill, as I grasped it, is practically the war powers that were given back in 1917, with some slight amendments. The other gives supreme authority to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to impound all the gold in the United States in the hands of individuals, 
corporations, or companies for the purpose, I suppose, of bringing together that gold and making it available for the issuance of Federal Reserve notes. 
2. Exclusive interviews
The third section deals with how bank.s are to be handled under this authority, how bank assets are to be frozen, and deals with the question of limited receiverships and receiverships. The last section of the bill provides for the issuance of a new money. I am a little at a loss, in the hurried way I have had to read the bill, to understand just how this new money is to be handled. 
3. Rely on the Banking act of 1933 and the Federal Reserve act --- 401 amendment of 1933...
"I refer to section 401, which reads:
Upon deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of all contract obligations of the United States, or any notes-- And so forth. •

Under the Federal Reserve Act obligations that are deposited as the security and gold for reserve notes are placed in the hands of the Federal Reserve agent. I would like to ask the chairman of the committee if this is a plan to change the holding of the security back of Federal Reserve notes to the Treasury of the United States rather than the Federal Reserve agent.

Mr. STEAGALL. This provision is for the issuance of
Federal Reserve bank notes; not for Federal Reserve notes; and the security back of it is the obligations, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, bank acceptances, outlined in the section to which the gentleman has referred.

Mr. McFADDEN. Then the new circulation is to be Federal Reserve bank notes and not Federal Reserve notes? Is that true?

Mr. STEAGALL. Insofar as the provisions of this section are concerned, yes. ."
(sEE: PAGES 78-83 OF THE 73rd congressional record of march 9, 1933)
4. Questions and answers
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